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Reasons Why I Take Forever To Write An Entry

July 24th, 2002 - 1:32 p.m.

I'm Currently Avoiding:

Shhhh...I'm "working".

Or at least, that's what I'm *supposed* to be doing. Is it what I'm doing though? Obviously not. This is a good cover for not doing what I'm supposed to be doing though since it involves typing from time to time in flurries rather than clicking around a lot. So I'm going to write a diary entry on my work time. Probably not the best thing to do ever, but do I care? No. Why don't I care? Because this job can just bite me and then run away screaming because it's teeth are broken on my toughened exterior.

I guess technically I am working as I've got the e-mail program for work open which I check periodically and I enter a notecard or so into the database every so often. So it's not as if I'm *completely* slacking off and not doing any work at the place where I'm paid to work. Just almost completley slacking off. Somehow I don't think that my boss would see much of a difference in the two methods. However, that again brings me to the point of "Do I Really Care?" The answer by now should be an blatently obvious and resounding "NO".

And just to make that really obvious, I made my no up there bigger than it should be. Why? Because I felt like it. So, nearly two hours and two paragraphs later...

Yeah, so I take forever to write diary entries like this. Who wouldn't? Well, other people probably for a couple reasons:

a. They're actually doing work and wouldn't be writing this in the first place. (*gasp*! Shock! Horror!)

b. They are of the non-multi-tasking persuasion and have already finished writing their entry because that's all they did and they didn't need two hours to do it.

c. I don't reallly have a C option ready, I just felt like including it. So the other reason why they wouldn't would be because they're from Arnaria and they can multi-task like nobody's business there because of the big brain and the 4 hands.

Have you ever wondered why it takes sometimes less than no time at all to subscribe to stuff over the internet (especially if you never signed up to receive it in the first place) but it takes forever to unsubscribe? Is it some evil conspiracy or something? I mean, it can't reasonably take more than a few minutes to find an e-mail address and remove it from the system. So what do they need the extra 6.9 days for?

Well, it's 5 pm, which means it's almost time for me to go. I was going to rant about parents who are just a little too clingy and involved, but I guess I'll save that for another time or not at all if I'm not reminded of how annoying parents can be.

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