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An Idea

July 12th, 2001 - 6:33 a.m.

I'm Currently Avoiding:

I'm afraid that I finally have an idea in my head that's bizarre enough for me to want to write it. And it has nothing to do with this diary at all. So I'll be writing you when I write you. Maybe if you're all very lucky I'll let you read it after I'm finished with it.

July 11 is ........ National Cheer Up The Lonely Day (I know it's not July 11th, it's July 12th, but I really don't like the day for July 12th, so I've decided to manipulate time solely for my own purposes. Besides, it's not like this is a repeated day or anything.)


auriferous aw-RIH-fuh-russ (adjective)

: containing gold

Students in chemistry class learn that the chemical symbol for gold is Au. That symbol is based on aurum, the Latin word for the element. Now's a golden opportunity to look at a few words in English that come from aurum. In the 18th century, English speakers appended the -ous ending to aurifer, the Latin adjective meaning containing gold or producing gold, to produce auriferous. (The -fer is from ferre, a Latin verb meaning to produce or to bear.) Not surprisingly, auriferous is a term that often shows up in geological contexts. Some other descendants of aurum include aureate (of a golden color or marked by grandiloquent style), auric (of, relating to, or derived from gold), and or (the heraldic color gold or yellow).

rodomontade rah-duh-mun-TAYD or rah-duh-mun-TAHD (noun)

1 : a bragging speech

2 : vain boasting or bluster : rant

Rodomontade originated in Italian poetry. Rodomont was a fierce and boastful king in the circa 1485 epic _Orlando Innamorato_ by Count Matteo M. Boiardo -- and later in the sequel _Orlando Furioso_, written by poet Lodovico Ariosto in 1516. In the late 16th century, English speakers began to use rodomont as a noun meaning braggart. Soon afterwards, rodomontade entered the language as a noun (meaning empty bluster or bragging speech) and later as an adjective (meaning boastful, ranting). The noun rodomont is no longer used in English, but rodomontade is still with us.

And damn the cat for waking me up at 3:45 am. Stupid thing.

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And I like it that way.

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